The project Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum is declined in two parts :
• The design and implementation of an augmented reality mobile and tablet app proposing a course entitled "The augmented walk" and retracing the maritime and port history of Marseille from its origins to the present day.
• The development and launch of an internet platform dedicated to the history and heritage of the city of Marseille, to prepare the visit of the museum and the augmented walk. This platform has an interactive map to navigate within a modeled representation of the Historic Way of Marseille and its immediate surroundings.
Diffusion Marseille History Museum
Partners Les Films du Soleil, Innovision
Website Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum
Marseille History Museum is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Audience All
Material Smartphone, any brand
Access Vieux-Port (Metro ligne 1), Métro ligne 2 - Station Noailles, tramway ligne 2 - Station Belsunce Alcazar