
Lived and to live!

The experiments designed and implemented by Orbe combine natural sensations and data from mobile interfaces. They allow to discover, deposit and publish media in the public space. Their immersive nature proposes an exploration of spaces of knowledge and/or plastics.

  • banniereEssonne

Balades en Essonne

Balades en Essonne

Homescreen of the app.

The most beautiful natural sites of Essonne are unveiled over an application to discover the unsuspected diversity that shelter forests, marshes, moors, parks, gardens and remarkable geological sites of Essonne.

The mobile app Balades en Essonne allows to discover the natural heritage of the department through 6 routes of excursion, and gives access to many points of interests all along these circuits to explore the different biotopes and elements of inheritance.


Partners Essonne

Images of Balades en Essonne




Balades en Essonne is available for free on the App Store and Google Play


Practical information

Audience All
Access Essonne departement

  • mucem-banner

Teasure Island at the Mucem

Teasure Island at the Mucem

View of the exhibition at the Mucem.

The new playful course of the museum takes place at the time of Suleyman the Magnificent and Philip II of Spain. Young visitors explore the Mediterranean from port to port, to collect the wealth.

Orbe collaborates once again with the Mucem teams to design and implement the children's experience.

Credits & Partners

Partners Mucem Studio Ravages Urban Expé Supamonks
The project is supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Images of Teasure Island at the Mucem


Official website orbe.mobi
Mucem website Teasure Island

Practical information

Audience Young audience
Material The material is lent by the museum
Access Joliette (Métro, Tram T2), Littoral Major or Fort Saint-Jean (Bus 82, 82s, 60, 49 and Night bus 582)

Practical information

Audience All
Material Tablets onsite
Access Vieux-Port (metro ligne 1), Noailles (metro line 2), Belsunce Alcazar (tramway line 2

  • banner---ps



View of the exhibition Soundscapes at Maison du Salève.

Soundscapes is a temporary exhibition presented at Maison du Salève for two years. It reveals four biotopes and embodies different landscape actors to get a better understanding of the impact of our activities on these ecosystems. Equipped with a smartphone and headphones, the visitor is emerged into different natural environments such as forest, pastures, wetlands and villages.

The application allows the audience to become the actor of each landscape with a immersive device leading to ge the consequences of human activities on natural environment.


Partners Maison du Salève Artel
The project is supported by l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Images of Soundscapes

  • aad---banner

Application à danser

Application à danser

Le Gymnase

Accompagné d'un médiateur ou d’une médiatrice, Application à Danser est un dispositif nomade conçu pour amener chacun à construire sa danse à partir de gestes du quotidien. Elle invite ses utilisateurs et utilisatrices à se mettre en mouvement.

Équipés d'un smartphone et d'écouteurs, les participants reçoivent des consignes audio-guidées qui les transportent dans des situations familières où leurs mouvements sont peu à peu détournés du contexte d'origine. Les gestes ordinaires sont transformés, décalés, réinventés pour créer une danse à la fois personnelle et collective.

Le rôle de la médiation

Dans Application à danser, la médiation conduit l’atelier et choisit le déroulé de celui-ci : choix des protocoles en fonction des participants et du groupe composé, du temps imparti, du nombre de personnes et du projet de médiation dans lequel Application à danser s’inscrit. La médiation peut être proposée à 1 ou 2 personnes, invitées à conduire l’atelier.

Le rôle de la création

Dans la nouvelle version d’Application à danser, la création fait partie de l’atelier. Avec le rôle d’auteur, il est possible d’enregistrer de nouveaux protocoles avec les participants, afin de donner une nouvelle place à l’écriture chorégraphique, et d’augmenter la collection originale des 4 protocoles d’Application à danser. L’écriture de protocole peut être proposée à divers groupes, avant de conduire la médiation du protocole via l’ordinateur portable.

Session duration

2 hours


Production :
Le Gymnase — CDCN Roubaix, Hauts- de-France, A-CDCN

Author :

Co-author :
Le Gymnase — CDCN Roubaix, Hauts- de-France

Partners :
IRCAM, within the framework of Rapid-Mix H2020

Produced with the support of the French Ministry of Culture
With the guidance of Mylène Benoit - Compagnie Contour Progressif, Sandrine Becquet, Sarah Kruszka


  • csc_banniere

Collective Sound Checks

Collective Sound Checks

Presentation of Collective Loops, an experience realized within the framework of Collective Sound Checks.

Collective Sound Checks is a collective music experience with smartphones. Each event offers the participants to play together as part of musical and playful proposals, in groups or in interaction with a performer (group, DJ, ...).

The project uses CoSiMa, a collaborative platform dedicated to collective interaction, based on the latest generation of mobile web technologies. Collective Sound Checks focuses on the experimentation of play scenarios, technologies and content developed on the platform by a community of users.

A selection of the smartphone scenarios is available at cosima.ircam.fr/checks.


Partners IRCAM EnsadLab ID Scènes ESBA Tours Angers Le Mans No Design
Within the framework of CoSiMa
The project is supported by l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Images of Collective Sound Checks

  • mu_banniere

Popup Fest

Popup Fest

Presentation of Popup Fest within the framework of Festival Chalon Dans la Rue festival in July 2015.

Popup Fest sets the Urban Whispers platform on an open-air space funfair. Equipped with a smartphone and headsets, the visitor enters this universe to freely wander. Carols' voices solicit him in a profusion of attractions. Through his actions, the visitor interacts with a world taking shape. Each proposal is an opportunity for a game between his gestures, sounds and his imagination. The visitor discovers that he shares the same universe with other visitors, the party favors meetings and the collective game. In a vertigo, the illusion takes precedence over the real. The project is based on the Média Situé web service to deliver sound media via a smartphone according to multiple combinable constraints. In a second step, the paths and testimonies resulting from these experiences are collected in a scenic space. The visitor is invited backstage to deliver his testimony and discover how the device works. In front of a real-time visualization of the mechanics of the simulacrum, a space of speech allows a setting in words and in perspective.


Official program Chalon dans la Rue 2015

Images of Popup Fest


Murmures urbains
Chalon dans la Rue

Practical information

Audience All
Access Nicéphore Cité : 34 Quai de Saint-Cosme 71100 Chalon sur Saône


The device has been experimented on July 24th, 25th, 26th 2015 within the framework of Chalon dans la Rue festival.

Juin 2015.
  • has_banniere

Learning Center – Sustainable City

Halles aux Sucres

Multimedia interactive 3D map.

The Learning Center "Sustainable City" is located in Halle aux Sucres of the Dunkirk port area. As part of this project, Orbe has realized all the multimedia installations including the participatory device "Tracking of the Inhabitants": an interactive map of the daily travels of the inhabitants, fed by a mobile application.


Sponsor Learning Center of Dunkirk Urban Community, Dunkirk Urban Community, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region

Images of Halles aux Sucres


Halle aux Sucres


Learning Center – Sustainable City is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Practical information

Audience All
Access Route du Quai Freycinet 3-MOLE1, 59140 Dunkirk

  • laronde_banniere

The Round

The Round

Video presentation of the app.

The show La Ronde is created by Company Projet In Situ in 2015. The time of a round, the spectator is invited in an immersive experience in a building and will meet his own imagination. Alone, he is guided by sound recordings in different places that invite him to interact with space. In preparation for this creation, Martin Chaput and Martial Chazallon, directors of the Company Projet In Situ, offer research laboratories in several cities to develop the full potential of The Round's interaction. This exploratory work will allow the creation of first recordings, as many points of view for the project.


Sponsor Company Projet In Situ

Images of The Round


Cie Projet In situ


The Round is available for free on the App Store and Google Play


Practical information

Audience All
  • vg_banniere

Van Gogh Natures

Van Gogh Natures

Home screen of the app.

The application Van Gogh Natures is a geo-localized multimedia guide allowing to discover the work of Vincent van Gogh through the landscapes he has painted. The works of the painter are placed in their context, along the visit to Auvers-sur-Oise and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. With his smartphone, the visitor finds the gaze of the painter, thanks to a superposition of each work with its original frame. This augmented reality approach allows Vincent van Gogh's landscapes to interact with the current territories to reveal their sensitive dimension. The Van Gogh Natures app is available in 5 European languages as well as in Japanese.


Sponsor County Council of the Alpes de Haute-Provence
Partner Audiovisit 

Images of Van Gogh Natures


Van Gogh Natures
City of Auvers-sur-Oise
City of Saint-Rémy de Provence


Van Gogh Natures is available for free on the App Store and Google Play


Practical information

Audience All
Access Tourist Office of Saint-Rémy de Provence : Place Jean Jaurès 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence / Tourist Office of Auvers-sur-Oise : Parc Van Gogh, 38 Rue du Général de Gaulle 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise

  • cg04_banniere

Alpes de Haute-Provence Museums

Alpes de Haute-Provence Museums

Home screen of the application.

Conception and realization of tour companions for the museum of prehistory of Quinson and the Gardens of Salagon. The visitor is geo-located in an oriented 3D map. He can access a large variety of contents with synchronized sounds and videos, and a light and sound show.


Sponsor Department council of Alpes de Haute-Provence
Partner Audiovisit 

Alpes de Haute-Provence Museums


Official site orbe.mobi
Gardens of Salagon
Museum of prehistory of Quinson

Practical information

Audience All
Access Salagon : Le Prieuré, 04300 Mane / Quinson : Route de Montmeyan, 04500 Quinson

  • confulences_banniere

Musée des Confluences

Musée des Confluences

Video realized by Fabien Didelot (Hula-Hoop Agency).

The sonosphere of Musée of Confluences offer a sound walki in the 20000 m2 of the museum.
Specific commentaries by specialists describe the history of objects, their restoration, their meanings.


Sponsor Musée des Confluences
Partner Audiovisit 

Images of Musée des Confluences


Official website orbe.mobi
Musée des Confluences


The Sonosphere of Musée des Confluences is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Practical information

Audience All
Access 86 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon

  • bsi_banniere

BSI Guide

Guide to the Library of Science and Industry

Interactive 3D navigation map in the library.

The BSI Guide is a mobile device for the support of informal learning in libraries for UNIVERSCIENCES. The visitor is geolocated on a 3D map, where he can launch a search, view the results on the map and access the presentation sheets for each document.


Partner Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie 

Images of BSI Guide


Official website orbe.mobi


BSI Guide is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Practical information

Audience All
Access Cité des Sciences : 30 avenue Corentin-Cariou 75019 Paris

  • Murmures-urbains_banniere

Urban Whispers, Chalon-sur-Saône, 2014.02.26

Urban Whispers

From February 10-28 2014, FAIAR students experiment with the device Médias Situés and give birth to Urban Whispers.
Film realized by Smelly Dog Films

Urban Whispers is composed by a series of situated experiences, moments and singular situations, supported by the creation platform Medias situés developed by Orbe. While walking smartphone in hand, the spectator hears a voice that offers him experiences he can choose to live or not. His experience is then filmed, mapped, recorded, documented, as many ways to write the play of which he was the real actor and finally the co-author.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Nicéphore Cité
Partners la FAI AR, Nicéphore Cité, l'Abattoir, ANR

The experimenters describe their drifting

Images of Urban Whispers


Official website orbe.mobi
Blog of the project Urban Whispers

Practical information

Audience All
Material smartphone, any brand
Access Nicéphore Cité, 34 Quai Saint-Cosme, 71100 Chalon-sur-Saône

  • MHM_banniere

Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum

The excavations of the Place Jules Verne

Video realized by les Films du Soleil for the mobile app of Marseille History Museum.

The project Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum is declined in two parts :

• The design and implementation of an augmented reality mobile and tablet app proposing a course entitled "The augmented walk" and retracing the maritime and port history of Marseille from its origins to the present day.

• The development and launch of an internet platform dedicated to the history and heritage of the city of Marseille, to prepare the visit of the museum and the augmented walk. This platform has an interactive map to navigate within a modeled representation of the Historic Way of Marseille and its immediate surroundings.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Marseille History Museum
Partners Les Films du Soleil, Innovision

  • [insert_php] dd_twitter_generate('Compact','OrbeMobi',"Extension numérique du Musée d'Histoire de Marseille",'https://orbe.mobi/?p=791','791'); [/insert_php]
  • [insert_php] dd_fblike_generate('Like Button Count'); [/insert_php]
  • [insert_php] dd_google1_generate('Compact (20px)',"Extension numérique du Musée d'Histoire de Marseille",'https://orbe.mobi/?p=791','791'); [/insert_php]
Historians and archaeologists talk about Marseille.
Extracts taken from the mobile app.

Images of Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum


Official websiteorbe.mobi
Website Digital extension of the Marseille History Museum


Marseille History Museum is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Practical information

Audience All
Material Smartphone, any brand
Access Vieux-Port (Metro ligne 1), Métro ligne 2 - Station Noailles, tramway ligne 2 - Station Belsunce Alcazar

  • L'odyssee d'Ulysse - banniere

Children Odyssey at Mucem

Children Odyssey at Mucem

Children Odyssey is a project for the Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean (Mucem) of Marseille.
Video realized by Supamonks.

Children Odyssey is a space for children between 7 and 12 years. An interactive and playful route is offered to young visitors allowing them to acquire knowledge about the museum's collections and to discover the permanent exhibition of the Mediterranean gallery. This experience features the Greek Hero Ulysses held by the nymph Calypso. The children's mission is to free him by collecting clues and answering riddles.

The route contains a 3 minute long film, a series of 7 manipulations and a touch app for tablet that accompanies the children while they are visiting the permanent collections.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Mucem
Partners SupamonksVeroliv

Opening and presentation of the first step of the children experience.

Images of Children Odyssey at Mucem


Official website orbe.mobi
Mucem website Children Odyssey

Practical information

Audience Young audience
Material The material is lent by the museum
Access Joliette (Métro, Tram T2), Littoral Major or Fort Saint-Jean (Bus 82, 82s, 60, 49 and night bus 582)

  • Discontrol-Party - banniere

Discontrol Party

Discontrol Party

Discontrol Party is a festive interactive device initiated by Samuel Bianchini.

Discontrol Party is a research program on the theme of « Large Group Interaction». This project led by the laboratory DRII by ENSADLAB questions the efficiency of surveillance devices in front of a chaotic crowd.

As part of the project, Orbe implemented a real-time tracking device for the 200 participants of the event. It includes a real-time data analysis and the feedback taking of visualization systems. Orb uses Ubisense UWB technology: an indoor geolocation solution by emitting electromagnetic pulses. The device was tested for the first time at the Gaité Lyrique in the context of the festival Futur en Seine 2011.

Credits & partners

Diffusion la Gaîté Lyrique
Partners DRII/ENSADLAB, Gaîté LyriqueIle-de-France RegionUBISENSE  

Images of Discontrol Party


Official websiteorbe.mobi

Practical information

Audience All
Access La Gaîté Lyrique – Paris, Réaumur-Sébastopol (lines 3, 4),  Arts et Métiers (lines 3, 11), Strasbourg Saint-Denis (lines 4, 8, 9).


The device was first experimented at la Gaîté Lyrique on June 24th and 25th with the framework of Futur en Seine festival.

Juin 2011.
  • Laboratoire de la derive - banniere

Laboratory of Drifting

Laboratory of Drifting

Video : Djamel Afnaï and Bruno Da Cuna
Interviews and experience reports : Xavier Boissarie and Elsa Mingot
Embedded camera Stopmotion : Alix Denambride and Sung Ha Cho
Video editing : Lucile Haute

Within the framework of the 6th edition of «Si Loin, Si Proche» des Sondes de la Chartreuse (Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle), Orbe deployed the Laboratory of Drifting.

The Probes of La Chartreuse are experimental periods around theater, digital arts and the network. The object of the 6th edition "Si Loin, Si Proche" intends to explore the articulations between video-game, stage and street. In this context, Orbe and four trainees of the FAIAR (Advanced Training and Itinerant Urban Arts) proposes the experimentation of protocols and rules, supported by the device Médias Situés. Or how to turn any space into a gaming experience.

Credits & partners

Diffusion La Chartreuse-CNES
Partners  La Chartreuse-CNES, La FAIARL’Université de Paris 8

Testimonies and reflections about the experience.

Images of Laboratory of Drifting


Officiel website orbe.mobi
Blog of the project Laboratory of Drifting 

Practical information

Audience All
Material iPhone
Access La Chartreuse, 58 rue de la République, 30404 Villeneuve-lez-Avignon

  • topophonie ANR - banniere

Topophonie Research Program

Topophonie Research Program

Video realized for Water Topophony, a work created by Orbe within the framework of Topophonie Research Program.  

Topophonie is a research program within CONTINT (Digital Contents and Interactions)

Topophonie focuses on sound navigation in the flow and masses of spatialized audio-graphic events. The goal of the project is to design and develop navigable audiographic models, interfaces and audiographic renderings of sets of corpuscular, animated and spatialized objects. The non-punctual aspect of composite objects, their audiographic behavior and the navigation in which they are expressed are the three inextricably linked criteria that give the project its specificity.

The project team is made up of sound and visual researchers, designers, artists and companies specialized in the fields of the concerned fields.

Within the framework of Topophonie, Orbe designed and realized creation tools prototypes intenter to a general audience such as Water Topophony

Orbe won Grand Prix of Innovation of the city of Paris 2013 with a special Design Mention for Water Topophony.

Credits & partners

Support ANR
Partners IRCAMENSCI-les AteliersLIMSINavidisUser Studio

Xavier Boissarie, director at Orbe, talks about Topophonie.

Site officiel orbe.mobi
Officiel website Topophonie


Water Topophony is available for the on the App store

  • Sonosphere chartreuse - banniere

Sonosphere at La Chartreuse

Sonosphere at La Chartreuse

Sonosphere is available at La Chartreuse at Villeneuve-lez-Avignon since January 2012.

Sonosphère is a contributive and geo-localized sound work. It captures and restores the voices that populated a place through time. While he moves, the visitor becomes the explorer of this sound cartography. Equipped with a smartphone, he wanders in space and listens to different voices, real, fictional, past... He has the opportunity throughout his sound walk to react and enrich the device with his comments and contributions. The Sonosphere evolves over time, constituting a sound memory of the place.

Sonosphere is available at La Chartreuse at Villeneuve-lez-Avignon since January 2012. This Sonosphere offers a polyphonic visit of the city. The voices of the inhabitants, visitors, residents and artists merge altogether to evoke the multiple levels of history of the place as a cultural heritage and space of experimentation.

Credits & partners

Diffusion La Chartreuse-CNS 
Partner  La Chartreuse-CNS

The voices of La Chartreuse
Commentaries, contributions and impressions of the visitors and professionals.

Official websiteorbe.mobi


The application is available for free on AppStore and Google Play

Practical information

Public Tous
Material Smartphones, any brand
Access La Chartreuse, 58 rue de la République, 30404 Villeneuve lez Avignon

  • Avignon banniere

Avignon, Lanscapes of the Festival

Avignon, Lanscapes of the Festival

3D interactive map the city of Avignon.

During the three weeks of the Avignon Festival 2009, an interactive 3D map of the city of Avignon was fed with video, sound and images in real time by the reporters of Arte. The main idea of the project was to evoke the effervescence of the event through multiple points of view. The 3D model is more evocative than realistic to get closer to the experience while facilitating the reading of the map.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Arte.tv
Partner  ESII 

Images of Avignon, Lanscapes of the Festival


Official website orbe.mobi

Practical information

Audience All
Access City of Avignon

  • open unesco - banniere


Open UNESCO - Sylvie Coudray

Video realized by the UNESCO within the framework of the exhibition Open Unesco, for the project "The Greats Actors of UNESCO".

Open Unesco is a permanent exhibition presented at the UNESCO Headquarters at Suffren Hall. The exhibition unveils the institution to the public through 7 themes. On this occasion, Orbe produced two multitouch cartographic tables presenting the Unesco programs in the World, as well as seven touch tablets carried by the statues of the Great Actors of UNESCO and revealing to the public the many faces of the institution.

Credits & partners

Diffusion UNESCO

Open UNESCO en images


Official website orbe.mobi
Website UNESCO "Open Unesco"

Practical information

Audience All
Access UNESCO Headquarters, Ségur (line 10) Cambronne (line 6) École militaire (line 8) Saint François Xavier (line 13)


The mutitouch tablets and maps of the Open Unesco exhibition have been presented on October 2011 within the framework of the 36th session UNESCO General Conference.

October 2011.
  • topophonie de l'eau - banniere

Water Topophony

Water Topophony

Water Topophony is an augmented reality sound experience that links wandering and listening. This project is part of the ANR program: CONTINT (Digital Content and Interactions). The project was presented at the festival Futur en Seine 2011.  

Water Topophony sets up a soundscape composed of water streams in an urban space. The slopes of Belleville in Paris evoke the winding paths of the water to the names of the streets: rue des Cascades, rue des Rigoles, rue de la Duée. Two realities are superimposed on this territory: a mineral space that is essential on the surface, an invisible liquid space made up of sources and aqueducts in the basement. Water Topophony proposes to evoke this liquid space on the surface by staging a navigable soundscape using a smartphone-type mobile phone. The device thus encourages the user to explore and reveals hidden dimensions of a familiar urban space.

Orbe won Grand Prix of Innovation of the city of Paris 2013 with a special Design Mention for Water Topophony.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Orbe
Partners IRCAM, ENSCI-les Ateliers, LIMSI, Navidis, User Studio

The experimenters of Water Topophony talk about experience.

Images of Water Topophony


Official website orbe.mobi
Webite Topophonie


Water Topophony is available for free on the App Store

Practical information

Audience All
Material iPhone
Access Parc de Belleville, Couronne (line 2), Belleville (lines 2 and 11), Pyrénées (line 11)


Water Topophony was the subject of a free event in June 2012.

June 2012.
  • ICI_banniere2

Itinéraire de la Culture Industrielle (ICI)

Itinéraire de la Culture Industrielle (ICI)

An exploration of the Franco-Belgian mining basin in augmented reality.
Video realized by Le Pass for the Mobil'ICI application.

L’itinéraire de la Culture Industrielle (ICI) is a INTERREG project that unites 6 cultural institutions, 3 on the French side and 3 on the Belgian side. This project intends to valorize the heritage and industrial culture of the Nord-Pas de Calais - Hainaut mining basin.

The digital tools implemented for the ICI help the exploration of this complex territory.

  • The website and its 3D map prepare the visit.
  • The Mobil'ICI guide accompanies the visitor onsite in his discovery of the territory. It is declined in 30 routes each containing about twenty points of interest. The guide unfolds disappeared soundscapes and reveals hidden dimensions of the territory. It allows to see in the past, to look through the walls or the ground, to build a map, to participate in an observatory... So many original ways to discover a major territory of urban exploration.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Le Pass
Partners Le Pass, Le Bois du Cazier, Le Bois du Luc, Le 9-9bis Oignies, 11-19 Loos en Gohelle, la CAHC

Reportage realized by Vivacité in 2012.

Images of Mobil'ICI


Official website orbe.mobi
Website Itinéraire de la culture industrielle


Mobil'ICI is available for free on the AppStore. iPhones are available at Le Pass on loan or reservation at Oignies


Practical information

Audience All
Material iPhone
Access Le Pass : Rue de Mons 3 7080 Frameries (Belgique) - Carreau de fosse 9-9 bis at Oignies (on reservation) : Rue du Tordoir 62590 Oignies (France).

  • sonosphere_gaite_banniere

Sonosphere at la Gaîté Lyrique

Sonosphere at la Gaité Lyrique

Project management Orbe
Curating kom.post
Contracting Authority La Gaîté Lyrique

Sonosphere is a contributive and geolocalized sound work. It captures and restores the voices that populated a place through time. While he moved, the visitor becomes the explorer of this sound cartography. Equipped with a smartphone, he wanders in space and listens to different voices, real, fictional, past... He has the opportunity throughout his sound walk to react and enrich the device with his comments and contributions. Sonosphere at la Gaîté Lyrique thus evolves with time, constituting a sound memory of the place. Sonosphere adapts to each theme offering polyphonic mediation to visitors.

Credits & partners

Diffusion La Gaîté Lyrique
Partner Kom-post

The voices at la Gaité Lyrique
Commentaries, contributions and visitors and professional impressions.

Images of Sonosphere at la Gaîté Lyrique


Official website orbe.mobi


Sonosphere is available for free on the AppStore and Google Play. Smartphones are available via the resource center deck at la Gaîté Lyrique.

Practical information

Audience All
Material Smartphone, any brand
Access La Gaîté Lyrique – Paris, Réaumur-Sébastopol (lines 3, 4), Arts et Métiers (lines 3, 11), Strasbourg Saint-Denis (lines 4, 8, 9).

  • sonosphere fens - banniere

Sonosphere at Futur en Seine 2012

Sonosphere at Future en Seine

The Sonosphere device was deployed at Le 104 within the framework of Future en Seine 2012 festival.

Sonosphere is a contributive and geolocalized sound work. It captures and restores the voices that populated a place through time. As he moves, the visitor becomes the explorer of this sound cartography. Equipped with a smartphone, he wanders in space and listens to different voices, real, fictional, past... He has the opportunity throughout his sound walk to react and enrich the device with his comments and contributions. Sonosphere evolves over time, constituting a sound memory of the place.

Credits & partners

Diffusion Futur en Seine
Partner Kom-post

The voices of Futur en Seine
Commentaries, contributions, visitors and professionals experience feedbacks.

Images of Sonosphere at Future en Seine


Official website orbe.mobi


Sonosphere is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Practical information

Audience All
Material Smartphone, any brand
Access le 104, Riquet (line 7) Stalingrad (lines 2, 5 et 7) Marx Dormoy (line 12).

Futur en Seine 2012 festival took place from june 14th to 24th, 2012.
June 2012.