

Connected dance experience
Maison de la danse

Vibes#1 is a connected dance experience, gathering around fifty amateur and professional dancers. Equipped with headphones, the participants improvise their dance together with the audio guidance of Eric Minh Cuong Castaing. The application also allows them to co-create music based on their movements and movements in space.

Participants are welcomed by the voice of the choreographer. After a phase of relaxation and readiness, the voice stimulates energy flow in the body, while the music accompanies the movements. Participants gradually enter the same rhythm until reaching a climax.

Now, the body has emancipated itself, it has undergone a transformation, it is ready to open its perception to others. The rhythm calms down. Gradually, the space between dancers diminishes as they make contact. The hand comes into play, scanning nearby bodies. Everyone is ready for the encounter.



Duration : 20 minutes
Choreography : Éric Minh Cuong Castaing
Musique : Romain Constant / Yes Sœur !
Digital creation : Xavier Boissarie