L’itinéraire de la Culture Industrielle (ICI) is a INTERREG project that unites 6 cultural institutions, 3 on the French side and 3 on the Belgian side. This project intends to valorize the heritage and industrial culture of the Nord-Pas de Calais - Hainaut mining basin.
The digital tools implemented for the ICI help the exploration of this complex territory.
Diffusion Le Pass
Partners Le Pass, Le Bois du Cazier, Le Bois du Luc, Le 9-9bis Oignies, 11-19 Loos en Gohelle, la CAHC
Official website orbe.mobi
Website Itinéraire de la culture industrielle
Mobil'ICI is available for free on the AppStore. iPhones are available at Le Pass on loan or reservation at Oignies
Audience All
Material iPhone
Access Le Pass : Rue de Mons 3 7080 Frameries (Belgique) - Carreau de fosse 9-9 bis at Oignies (on reservation) : Rue du Tordoir 62590 Oignies (France).