
Sonospheres, a geolocated contributive sound device.

Orbe designed and produced this participative audio-guide in collaboration with the collective Kom.Post. Sonospheres has been in operation since the beginning of 2012 at La Chartreuse Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and La Gaîté Lyrique. It captures and restores the voices that have traveled a place through time. While You moving, you become the explorer of this cartography but also the co-author if you decide to contribute by depositing the testimony of your own visit. Thanks to a compass system in which you occupy the central place, you can orientate yourself in the various contributions and attribute to a point of view your own testimony.

Sonospheres has been deployed on three sites:

  • The Audioguide 2.0 dedicated to la Chartreuse Villeneuve Lez Avignon is available on loan and on the AppStore.
  • Sonospheres was launched at la Gaité Lyrique on Feburary 2012 within the framework of "2062 - Round trip to the future". It is available at the desk, on the App Store and Google Play.
  • Within Futur en Seine 2012, Sonosphere is installed at Le 104, as the on-board mediation device of the exhibition village.